“I draw from the limitless forms and shapes of the surrounding world. Imagination binds them into new beings – familiar and yet not tame. Liquid metal allows time to stop for a while.”
Michał Staszczak (born 1979) – a graduate of sculpture at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (Poland). Diploma in 2005 in the studio of prof. Leon Podsiadły, an annex from a small sculptural form in the studio of prof. Jacek Dworski. Since 2006, he has been employed at his alma mater, where he currently runs a foundry studio. In 2019, he obtained the title of associate professor. In 2016-2020, head of the Department of Sculpting Techniques at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. From 2020, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Promotion of the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. Founder and co-organizer of the Festival of High Temperatures. He conducts workshops and foundry demonstrations, builds outdoor furnaces for melting bronze, aluminum and cast iron. He creates assemblage sculptures, bas-reliefs and installations which are cast from metal. In the creative process, he also uses 3D design and printing technology. He takes part in numerous exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

Stills from the movie made during the 13. Festival of High Temperatures (by Xani and 4SoulMedia).
Selected solo exhibitions:
2022: Fauna and Flora, Centrum Nowych Technologii, Gliwice
2021: Size Matters, Wałbrzyska Galeria Sztuki BWA, Wałbrzych
2018: Non-existent Stories, Galeria Neon, Wrocław
2017: Showcase, Witryny wystawiennicze na Placu Nowy Targ, Wrocław
2016: Dream about Forgetting, Galeria Bałucka, Łódź
2016: Defragmentations, Galeria BWA, Sieradz
2015: 10. Resume, Płocka Galeria Sztuki, Płock
2015: Present/absent, Galeria BWA, Sandomierz
2013: Somewhere, Sometime, Muzeum Edyty Stein, Lubliniec
2013: Pressures, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Włocławek
2012: Simultaneously, Galeria Wieża Ciśnień, Konin
2012: Imaginaria – Everyday Metamorphoses, Galeria Postument, ASP Wrocław
2011: Artefacts, Galeria Sztuki w Legnicy, Legnica
2011: Unfinished, Muzeum ASP, Wrocław
2011: Overwritten, Galeria BOK-MCC, Bolesławiec
2010: Multiverses – Galeria Zamek, Wrocław
2010: Imaginaria, Galeria Miejska MpiK, Gliwice
2010: Everyday Metamorphoses, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej (Aneks), Opole
Selected group exhibitions:
2022: Prototyp Festival, Vodojemy Žlutý kopec, Brno, Czech Republic
2022: Einsenkunst ganz heiß, Schloss Wolkenburg, Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany
2022: WCIAC Juried Exhibition, John A. Day Gallery CFA, Vermillion, SD, USA
2022: Festival současného umění Prostějov 2022, Ogród Botaniczny, Prostějov, Czech Republic
2022: Fer precieux, Galerie Rathaus Johannisthal, Berlin, Germany
2022: Kleine Eisen, Gastro-Norm, Berlin, Germany
2022: Once Upon an Instant, HTW Berlin, Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin, Germany
2022: IMPLIKACJE. CYFRA I BRYŁA, Muzeum Architektury, Wrocław
2022: Burning re-collection, Galerie Industra, Brno, Czech Republic
2022: IRON: Translating Territories, Royal Scottish Academy Finlay Room, Edinburgh, Great Britain
2021: The Art of Fire (13. Festival of High Temperatures), Galeria Neon / ASP Wrocław
2021: MASTER5ELECTION Galeire FX Banska Bystrica, Słowacja
2021: Sculpture Exhibition in the Teaching Gallery at the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, TEXAS, USA
2021: The Proof of Existence, Centrum Nowych Technologii, Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach
2021: Master5, Galeria G18, Zlin, Czechy
2021: NCCCIAP Biennial Virtual Exhibition 2021, #2 Casting Shed Gallery, North Birmingham, USA
2021: NCCCIAP Biennial Virtual Exhibition 2021, The Boilers Gallery, North Birmingham, USA
2021: Iron Tribe Exhibit 2021, Burris Hall Gallery, New Mexico Highlands University, USA
2021: Ars/Techne, Centrum Nowych Technologii, Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach.
2021: Between Seclusion and Community Affirmation, Scena Sztuki Intermedialnej / edycja XII / PODWODNY WROCŁAW 2020, Galeria Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław
2020: Situational Invitational 2020, 7th Biennal of The Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, South Dakota, USA
2020: Tagebuch-Covid-19-Daybook, Monchkirche Salzwedel, Hilmsen, Niemcy
2020: FROM_TO, Galeria Promocyjna “Galeria R”, Kraków
2020: Poland – Texas – an International 3D Print Exchange, Galeria Neon, ASP Wrocław
2020: Street Gallery, Szklarska Poręba
2020: Poland – Texas – an International 3D Print Exchange, Dishman Art Museum, Beaumont, Texas, USA
2019: The Place of the Beginning, Regionalne Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych w Częstochowie, Częstochowa
2019: Between Relationship and No / Presence, (Podwodny Wrocław), Galeria Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław
2019: It was, is and will be / Lost art, wystawa zbiorowa, III-edycja Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Sztuki Pałac w Morawie
2019: Pictura si Sculptura 100=100, Muzeum Sztuki w Cluj Napoca, Rumunia
2019: Ritual – edycja XVI, (w ramach Industrial Festival), Centrum Sztuki Piekarnia, Wrocław
2019: Arguments, Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław
2019: Politechnika, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice
2019: Iron Tribe Exhibit, Burris Hall Gallery, New Mexico Highlands University, USA,
2018: Cross-section, Galeria Casa Matei, Kluz-Napoka, Rumunia
2018: Relations, Umeleckie Centrum Up, Olomouc, Czechy
2018: It Was, it is, it will be – vol. 2, wystawa podsumowująca Sympozjum, Pałac w Morawie
2018: Echo, Galeria Stajnia, Wrocław
2018: Ritual XV, Casus Belli (w ramach Industrial Festival), Czasoprzestrzeń, Wrocław
2018: Bienala Naţională de Plastică Mică. Vârsta de bronz,ediţia aV-a, Galeria Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia
2018: O szlachetną wartość dzieła, Galeria Neon, ASP we Wrocławiu
2018: Size Matters, The International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, The Mall at Steamtown, Scranton, USA
2018: Edge, Stara Kopalnia, Wałbrzych
2018: Form hypertrophy, Powiatowa Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Ostrów Wielkopolski
2018: This is we after ESK, Galeria BWA, Wrocław
2017: Varsta de Bronz, Bienala Nationala de plastica mica edita a V-a, Galeria Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia
2017: It was, it is, it will be, wystawa podsumowująca Sympozjum, Pałac w Morawie
2017: Vicious circle, Leżakownia, Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław
2017: Meeting, Centrum Promocji Mody w Łódzkiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych, Łódź
2017: Post Ritual w ramach Industrial Festival, Wyspa Tamka, Wrocław
2017: Iron Tribe Exhibit, Burris Hall Gallery, New Mexico Highlands University, USA
2017: Iron Stories – Galeria MD_S, Wrocław
2016: Young at the Museum. The highest level, Muzeum Narodowe, Wrocław
2016: 10 years of cast iron in Wales, Carmarthen School of Art, Walia
2016: Sculpture zone – an exhibition in the series of 70th anniversary of the Academy of Art and Designin Wrocław, Galeria Neon, Wrocław
2016: Unfinished Journey w ramach IX edycji Podwodnego Wrocławia, Dworzec Świebodzki, Wrocław
2016: Ritual #13. Substytuty, Zaklęte Rewiry, Wrocław
2016: Zones, Galeria Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury, Ratusz Staromiejski, Gdańsk
2016: Art Resonances, Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Wrocław
2015: Poland. A Quarter of a Century of Freedom, z cyklu “Sztuka z wrocławskim atestem”, Galeria Test, Warszawa
2015: 5! , Dom Koncepcji, Warszawa
2014: Up to seven times art, Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław
2014: Mutazioni in Alluminio, Spacio Comel, Latina, Włochy, płaskorzeźba
2013 : The three dimensions of the sculpture, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku
2012: Free Space, Rezydencja Piasek, Wrocław
2011: After a hundred – wystawa jubileuszowa ZPAP, Arsenał, Wrocław
2010: Wrocław nie do Poznania, wystawa dydaktyków ASP Wrocław, Galeria Słodownia, Poznań
2010: From the Danube, the Vltava and the Vistula. Medallers and their works. Muzeum Miejskie Wrocławia, Stary Ratusz.
2010: Structure of things. Structure of emotions. Structure., BWA Bydgoszcz.
2010: Radiator Differently – an exhibition of works created during the 3rd Festival of High Temperatures, Galeria EMDES, Wrocław.
2009: Exhibition of works created at the 10th International Symposium of Medals, Plaques and Small Sculptural Forms in Uherskem Hradiste, Slovacke Muzeum, Czechy.
2009: Wroclavsky bronz – Slovacke Museum – Uherske Hradiste.
2008: TWO DIMENSIONS OF THE SCULPTURE wystawa prac pedagogów ASP Wrocław i ASP Gdańsk we Wrocławiu.
2007: Exhibition of works created at the 9th International Symposium of Medals, Plaques and Small Sculptural Forms in Uherskem Hradiste, Slovacke Muzeum, Czechy.